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How GBlast uses Envio for Enhanced Player Engagement

· 7 min read
Cover Image for Case Study GBlast

Who doesn't love having a blast? Just as every blockchain developer chases the thrill of the code, we're excited to announce that GBlast, known for its exhilarating real-time luck-based games, has seamlessly integrated Envio’s high-performance blockchain data indexing capabilities to power its GambleFi platform.

This integration marks a significant leap forward in optimizing GBlast’s application infrastructure, serving real-time data in their front-end and ensuring a responsive gaming experience for end users.

What is Gblast?

GBlast is an innovative GambleFi platform on Blast that offers a unique blend of player-versus-player (PvP) competitions and house-banked games. Designed to provide an exhilarating gaming experience, GBlast allows users to engage in competitive PvP matches and enjoy a variety of house-banked games, all within a secure and transparent environment. GBlast redefines the GambleFi landscape by offering a platform that combines entertainment with the security and transparency of blockchain technology, providing users with a thrilling and fair gaming experience.

Key features include:

  • PvP Competitions: Experience adrenaline-pumping PvP matches where players compete against each other in various games of skill and chance.
  • House-Banked Games: Enjoy a range of traditional and innovative games where the platform acts as the house, providing diverse gaming options.
  • Secure and Transparent: Built on robust blockchain technology, GBlast ensures security through battle-tested smart contracts, and transparency on in-game outcomes.

About the Integration

Before integrating with Envio, GBlast struggled with real-time data synchronization for their luck-based games. Previous indexing solutions failed to meet their needs, leading to delays between player activities occurring on the blockchain and what was being presented in the front-end.

Envio transformed GBlast’s operations by providing real-time smart contract data to the front-end, supporting their points reward system, and facilitating operator actions. By eliminating data latency issues and enhancing real-time data accessibility, GBlast improved its overall user experience, fostering higher engagement and satisfaction among players.

Efficient historical data retrieval capabilities have also empowered GBlast to gain deeper operational insights and optimize decision-making processes, enhancing operational efficiency and resource utilization. Envio’s blazing-fast indexing instantly makes all historical data available for querying via a custom GraphQL API.

By leveraging HyperSync for data ingestion instead of JSON-RPC, GBlast has drastically improved its syncing performance, and future-proofing their application, so that even the largest datasets only take a few minutes to index.

GBlast has further enriched its custom API by utilizing Envio’s support for asynchronous operations in its event handlers, enabling the addition of any data available on the internet to the indexer and storing it in a backend database for querying purposes. Simply put, this involves joining on-chain and off-chain data for a more flexible API.

Moreover, GBlast did not have to deploy or maintain any backend infrastructure, simply leveraging their existing development workflows, such as pushing code to a specific branch, to deploy their indexer to Envio’s hosted service.

Envio's responsive support and customizable features facilitated seamless integration and ongoing optimization. This support ensured that GBlast could focus on innovating and expanding its gaming offerings while relying on a robust and scalable infrastructure.

Challenges Faced

Specializing in real-time luck-based games on blockchain platforms, GBlast relies on smart contracts to ensure fairness and transparency for players. Accessing real-time game states and historical data efficiently is critical to delivering a seamless and engaging user experience.

GBlast encountered significant challenges with their previous data management solutions:

  • Real-Time Data Accessibility: Existing solutions failed to deliver timely updates of smart contract states to the front-end, resulting in laggy user experiences.
  • Operational Monitoring: Monitoring and managing operator actions, vital for game integrity, required a more responsive and scalable data infrastructure.
  • Historical Data Analysis: Extracting and analyzing historical data for insights and auditing purposes was cumbersome and resource-intensive.

How Envio Solved this Problem?

Envio's HyperIndex and HyperSync technologies provided flexible solutions to GBlast's challenges. The HyperIndex framework integrated with GBlast's application, enabling real-time updates of smart contract states to the front-end, significantly reducing latency and ensuring smooth gameplay interactions.

HyperSync accelerated the retrieval of historical blockchain data, allowing GBlast to perform comprehensive data analysis swiftly and efficiently. Envio's detailed logging was instrumental in monitoring and logging operator actions in real-time, improving transparency and operational oversight.

Envio’s hosted service also eliminated the need for manual indexer deployment, allowing for quick setup and reducing operational overhead. Once configured, Envio’s hosted service streamlines development and deployment, by pushing your latest indexer version to Envio’s GitHub repository to auto-deploy your indexer to the hosted service. Developers can easily manage and configure their indexers through the Envio Deployments GitHub app.

This approach allows developers to focus on their application’s core functionality while ensuring Indexers deliver guaranteed performance with production-grade infrastructure.

For more information on how to deploy an indexer to Envio’s hosted service visit our developer docs.

“The Envio team is really based, they respond to messages in no time, fix all the issues as soon as they appear (I assume they do not sleep), and can provide custom features for you. Envio is truly from devs for devs!” - CTO at GBlast

Why Envio?

Envio is a developer-first, modern blockchain data indexing solution that lets developers and data analysts reliably read and process any real-time and historic smart contract data served via query-rich GraphQL API.

Envio supports the Blast Mainnet, Blast Sepolia and 45+ other EVM blockchain networks with :

  • Flexible language support: Configure your event handling in familiar and widely supported languages, such as JavaScript, TypeScript, or ReScript.
  • HyperSync:** To ensure blazing-fast retrieval of historical on-chain data and a seamless developer experience, Envio’s HyperSync endpoint allows up to 1000x faster indexing than standard RPC (use of RPC is optional).
  • No-code Quickstart:** Autogenerate the key boilerplate for an entire Indexer project off single or multiple smart contracts. Deploy within minutes.
  • Multi-chain Support:** Aggregate data across multiple networks into a single database. Query all your data with a unified GraphQL API.
  • Join on-chain and off-chain data:** Connect indexed blockchain data as well as ingest off-chain data to create flexible API for rich data beyond just what is emitted simply from events on-chain. e.g. modules that efficiently index off-chain NFT metadata.
  • Factory Contracts: Automatically register and process events emitted by all child contracts that are created by the specified factory / dynamic contract.
  • Hosted Service: A managed service platform for building, hosting and querying Envio's Indexers with guaranteed uptime and performance service level agreements.

About Envio

Envio is a modern, dev-friendly, speed-optimized blockchain indexing solution that addresses the limitations of traditional blockchain indexing approaches and gives developers peace of mind. Blockchain developers and data analysts can harness the power of Envio to overcome the challenges posed by latency, reliability, infrastructure management, and costs across various sources.

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