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The Quickstart enables you to instantly autogenerate a powerful indexer and start querying blockchain data in minutes. This is the fastest and easiest way to begin using HyperIndex.

Example: Autogenerate an indexer for the Eigenlayer contract and index its entire history in less than 5 minutes by simply running pnpx envio init and providing the contract address from Etherscan.

Getting Started

Run the following command to initialize your indexer:

pnpx envio init

You'll then follow interactive prompts to customize your indexer.

Video Tutorials

Indexer Initialization Options

During initialization, you'll be presented with two options:

  • Contract Import (recommended for existing smart contracts)
  • Template

Choose the Contract Import option to auto-generate indexers directly from smart contracts.

? Choose an initialization option
> Contract Import
[↑↓ to move, enter to select]

Contract Import Methods

There are two convenient methods to import your contract:

  • Block Explorer (verified contracts on supported explorers like Etherscan and Blockscout)
  • Local ABI (custom or unverified contracts)

1. Block Explorer Import

This method uses a verified contract's address from a supported blockchain explorer (Etherscan, Routescan, etc.) to automatically fetch the ABI.


a. Select the blockchain

? Which blockchain would you like to import a contract from?
> ethereum-mainnet
[↑↓ to move, enter to select]

HyperIndex supports all EVM-compatible chains. If your desired chain is not listed, you can import via the local ABI method or manually adjust the config.yaml file after initialization.

b. Enter the contract address

? What is the address of the contract?
[Use proxy address if ABI is for a proxy implementation]

If using a proxy contract, always specify the proxy address, not the implementation address.

c. Select events to index

? Which events would you like to index?
> [x] ClaimRewards(address indexed from, address indexed reward, uint256 amount)
[x] Deposit(address indexed from, uint256 indexed tokenId, uint256 amount)
[x] NotifyReward(address indexed from, address indexed reward, uint256 indexed epoch, uint256 amount)
[x] Withdraw(address indexed from, uint256 indexed tokenId, uint256 amount)
[space to select, → to select all, ← to deselect all]

d. Finish or add more contracts

You'll be prompted to continue adding more contracts or to complete the setup:

? Would you like to add another contract?
> I'm finished
Add a new address for same contract on same network
Add a new network for same contract
Add a new contract (with a different ABI)

2. Local ABI Import

Choose this method if the contract ABI is unavailable from a block explorer or you're using an unverified contract.


a. Select Local ABI

? Would you like to import from a block explorer or a local abi?
Block Explorer
> Local ABI
[↑↓ to move, enter to select]

b. Specify ABI JSON file

Provide the path to your local ABI file (JSON format):

? What is the path to your json abi file?

c. Select events to index

? Which events would you like to index?
> [x] ClaimRewards(address indexed from, address indexed reward, uint256 amount)
[x] Deposit(address indexed from, uint256 indexed tokenId, uint256 amount)
[space to select, → to select all, ← to deselect all]

d. Choose blockchain

Specify the blockchain your contract is deployed on:

? Choose network:
> ethereum-mainnet
[Custom Network ID]
[↑↓ to move, enter to select]

e. Enter contract details

  • Contract name
? What is the name of this contract?
  • Contract address
? What is the address of the contract?
[Use proxy address if ABI is for a proxy implementation]

f. Finish or add more contracts

Complete the import process or continue adding contracts:

? Would you like to add another contract?
> I'm finished
Add a new address for same contract on same network
Add a new network for same contract
Add a new contract (with a different ABI)

Generated Files & Configuration

The Quickstart automatically generates key files:

1. config.yaml

Automatically configured parameters include:

  • Network ID
  • Start Block
  • Contract Name
  • Contract Address
  • Event Signatures

By default, all selected events are included, but you can manually adjust the file if needed. See the detailed guide on config.yaml.

2. GraphQL Schema

  • Entities are automatically generated for each selected event.
  • Fields match the event parameters emitted.

See more details in the schema file guide.

3. Event Handlers

  • Handlers are autogenerated for each event.
  • Handlers create event-specific entities.

Learn more in the event handlers guide.

Congratulations! Your HyperIndex indexer is now ready to run and query data!

Next step: Running your Indexer locally or Deploying to Hosted Service.