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Version: v2


The Quickstart allows you to instantly autogenerate a basic indexer and query your data. This is the quickest way to get going and likely the starting point for most developers.

For example, you could autogenerate an indexer for Eigenlayer AND index the entire Eigenlayer contract in under 5 minutes simply through running envio init and pasting the contract address from the Block Explorer:


To start, simply run:

envio init

After selecting the name, directory and preferred language for the indexer, choose Contract Import as the initialization option.

? Choose an initialization option
> Contract Import
[↑↓ to move, enter to select, type to filter]

Contract Import allows you to quickly generate your indexer with:

  1. Block Explorer
  2. Local ABI

1. Block Explorer

? Would you like to import from a block explorer or a local abi?
> Block Explorer
Local ABI
[↑↓ to move, enter to select, type to filter]

The Block Explorer option only requires you to input the address and chain of the contract. If the deployed contract is verified and has one of the supported explorers (Etherscan, Routescan, etc.) it will retrieve all needed contract information from the block explorer. The list of available chains will be presented in the Envio CLI.

Select the blockchain that the contract is deployed on

? Which blockchain would you like to import a contract from?
> ethereum-mainnet
v polygon
[↑↓ to move, enter to select, type to filter]

HyperIndex supports indexing smart contract data from any EVM blockchain. If the chain you would like to index is not available on the list, you can use the ABI file option. Alternatively, you choose the same contract on an available network on the list, and change the chain configuration in the config file after the indexer is initialized.

Enter in the address of the contract to import

? What is the address of the contract?
[Use the proxy address if your abi is a proxy implementation]

If you are using a proxy contract with an implementation, the contract address you specify should be for the proxy contract.

Choose which events to include in the config.yaml file

? Which events would you like to index?
> [x] ClaimRewards(address indexed from, address indexed reward, uint256 amount)
[x] Deposit(address indexed from, uint256 indexed tokenId, uint256 amount)
[x] NotifyReward(address indexed from, address indexed reward, uint256 indexed epoch, uint256 amount)
[x] Withdraw(address indexed from, uint256 indexed tokenId, uint256 amount)
[↑↓ to move, space to select one, → to all, ← to none, type to filter]

Select the continuation option

? Would you like to add another contract?
> I'm finished
Add a new address for same contract on same network
Add a new network for same contract
Add a new contract (with a different ABI)
[Current contract: BribeVotingReward, on network: optimism]

The Quickstart will prompt you whether you would like to finish the import process or continue adding more addresses for same contract on same network, addresses for same contract on different network or a different contract.

2. Local ABI

? Would you like to import from a block explorer or a local abi?
Block Explorer
> Local ABI
[↑↓ to move, enter to select, type to filter]

Choosing Local ABI option will allow you to point to a JSON file containing the smart contract ABI. The Quickstart will then populate the required files from the ABI.

Select this option if the proxy contract has not been verified, which will cause the fetch request from Etherscan client to fail.

Specify the directory of JSON file containing ABI

? What is the path to your json abi file?

Choose which events to include in the config.yaml file

? Which events would you like to index?
> [x] ClaimRewards(address indexed from, address indexed reward, uint256 amount)
[x] Deposit(address indexed from, uint256 indexed tokenId, uint256 amount)
[x] NotifyReward(address indexed from, address indexed reward, uint256 indexed epoch, uint256 amount)
[x] Withdraw(address indexed from, uint256 indexed tokenId, uint256 amount)
[↑↓ to move, space to select one, → to all, ← to none, type to filter]

Specify which chain the contract is deployed on

? Choose network:
> <Enter Network Id>
v gnosis
[↑↓ to move, enter to select, type to filter]

Enter in the name for the contract

? What is the name of this contract?

Enter in the address of the contract

? What is the address of the contract?
[Use the proxy address if your abi is a proxy implementation]

If you are using a proxy contract with an implementation, the contract address you specify should be for the proxy contract.

Select the continuation option

? Would you like to add another contract?
> I'm finished
Add a new address for same contract on same network
Add a new network for same contract
Add a new contract (with a different ABI)
[Current contract: BribeVotingReward, on network: optimism]

The Quickstart will prompt you whether you would like to finish the import process or continue adding more addresses for same contract on same network, addresses for same contract on different network or a different contract.

Configuration file

The contract-specific details that will be automatically populated in the config.yaml file are:

  • Network ID
  • Start Block
  • Contract Name
  • Contract Address
  • Event Signature (for all events) with requiredEntities

Users can remove the events from the configuration file which do not need to be indexed. By default the contract import process populates the configuration file for all events.

For more information on how to write the configuration file, go here.

However, users are not required to do make any changes to the config.yaml file for the indexer to run.


By default, the contract import process will create an entity for each event in the contract. The fields in these entities will correspond to the parameters that are emitted inside the event.

Additionally, EventsSummary entity will be created that:

  • Stores a count of how many entities of each type have been created
  • Links to a vector of entities of each type that have been created

For more information on how to write the schema file, go here.

Event Handlers

Loaders and handlers for each event will be automatically generated.

For all events, the loader function will load EventsSummary entity using a fixed key to be updated in the handler.

For all events, the handler function will perform two operations:

  • Create an instance of the event-specific entity with all the parameters that have been emitted
  • Update the event-specific entity counter in the loaded EventsSummary entity

For more information on how to write the event handlers file, go here.