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Indexing on Fuel Network


Envio has expanded its indexing capabilities beyond EVM-compatible blockchains to now fully support the Fuel Network (both mainnet and testnet). This documentation covers how to use Envio's products with Fuel's unique architecture and features. ⛽⚡

Fuel offers several advantages as a modular execution layer including:

  • Parallel transaction execution
  • State-minimized design
  • UTXO-based architecture
  • Advanced FuelVM capabilities

HyperIndex for Fuel

HyperIndex enables developers to easily index and query real-time and historical data on Fuel Network with the same powerful features available for EVM chains.

Getting Started with Fuel Indexing

You can start indexing Fuel contracts in two ways:

  1. Quick Start (5-minute tutorial): Follow our step-by-step tutorial to create your first Fuel indexer quickly.

  2. No-Code Contract Import: Use our Contract Import tool to automatically generate configuration and schema files for your Fuel contracts.

Example Fuel Indexers

Looking for inspiration? Check out these indexers built by projects in the Fuel ecosystem:

ProjectTypeGitHub Repository
SparkOrderbook DEXgithub
MiraAMM DEXgithub
ThunderNFT Marketplacegithub
SwaylendLending Protocolgithub

Features Supported on Fuel

HyperIndex for Fuel supports all the core features available in the EVM version:

Fuel-Specific Event Types

Understanding Fuel's Event Model

Fuel's event model differs significantly from EVM. Instead of predefined events, Fuel uses a more flexible approach with various receipt types that can be indexed.

LOG_DATA Receipts (Primary Event Type)

The most common event type in Fuel is the LOG_DATA receipt, created by the log instruction in Sway contracts.

Unlike Solidity's emit which requires predefined event structures, Sway's log function allows passing any data, providing greater flexibility.

Configuration Example:

ecosystem: fuel
name: "fuel_testnet"

- name: SwayContract
abi_file_path: "./abis/SwayContract.json"
start_block: 1
address: "0x123..."
- name: NewGreeting
logId: "8500535089865083573"

The logId is a unique identifier for the logged struct, which you can find in your contract's ABI file.

Auto-detection of logId:

If your event name matches the logged struct name in Sway, you can omit the logId:

- name: NewGreeting # Will automatically detect logId if it matches the struct name

Tip: Instead of manually configuring events, use the Contract Import tool which automatically detects events and generates the proper configuration.

Additional Fuel Event Types

Fuel allows indexing several additional receipt types not available in EVM:

Event TypeDescriptionExample Configuration
MintTriggered when a contract mints tokens- name: Mint
BurnTriggered when a contract burns tokens- name: Burn
TransferCombines TRANSFER and TRANSFER_OUT receipts- name: Transfer
CallTriggered when a contract calls another contract- name: Call

Using Custom Names:

You can rename these events while maintaining their type:

- name: MintMyNft # Custom name
type: mint # Actual event type

Note: All event types can be used with Wildcard Indexing.

Transfer Event Specifics

The Transfer event type combines two Fuel receipt types:

  • TRANSFER: Emitted when a contract transfers tokens to another contract
  • TRANSFER_OUT: Emitted when a contract transfers tokens to a wallet

Important: Transfers between wallets are not included in the Transfer event type.

Event Object Structure in Handlers

When handling Fuel events, the event object structure differs from EVM:

// Example Fuel event handler
SwayContract.NewGreeting.handler(async ({ event, context }) => {
// Access event parameters
const message = event.params.message;

// Access block information
const blockHeight = event.block.height;
const blockTime = event.block.time;
const blockId =;

// Access transaction information
const txId =;

// Access source contract address
const sourceContract = event.srcAddress;

// Access log position
const logIndex = event.logIndex;

// Store data
message: message,
timestamp: blockTime,

Migration Guide from v2.x.x-fuel

Starting with V2.3, the Fuel indexer has been integrated into the main envio package. If you were using the Fuel-specific version (envio@2.x.x-fuel), follow these steps to migrate:

1. Update Package Version

# Update local dependency
pnpm i envio@latest

# If installed globally
pnpm i -g envio@latest

2. Update Configuration

Add the ecosystem: fuel field to your config.yaml:

ecosystem: fuel # Required for Fuel indexers
name: "fuel_testnet"
# other network config...

3. Update Event Handler Code

Several field names have changed in the event object:

Old FieldNew Field

Example migration:

SwayContract.NewGreeting.handler(async ({ event, context }) => {
- id:,
- message:,
- createdAt: event.time,
- blockHeight: event.blockHeight,
+ id:,
+ message: event.params.message,
+ createdAt: event.block.time,
+ blockHeight: event.block.height,

Note: If you use loaders, also follow the v1 to v2 migration guide for loader-specific changes.


HyperFuel is Envio's low-level data API for the Fuel Network (equivalent to HyperSync for EVM chains).

HyperFuel provides:

  • High-performance data access
  • Flexible query capabilities
  • Multiple data formats (Parquet, Arrow, typed data)
  • Complete historical data

Available Clients

Access HyperFuel data using any of these clients:

HyperFuel Endpoints

For detailed information, see the HyperFuel documentation.

About Fuel Network

Fuel is an operating system purpose-built for Ethereum rollups with unique architecture focused on:

  • Parallelization: Execute transactions concurrently for higher throughput
  • State-minimized execution: Efficient storage and computation model
  • Interoperability: Seamless integration with other blockchain systems

Powered by the FuelVM, Fuel expands Ethereum's capabilities without compromising security or decentralization.


Need Help?

If you encounter any issues with Fuel indexing, please:

  1. Check our Troubleshooting guides
  2. Join our Discord for community support
  3. Create an issue in our GitHub repository