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Version: v2

Command-Line Help for envio

This document contains the help content for the envio command-line program.

Note: envio is an executable, but it is recommended to always run pnpx envio for the init command and pnpm envio <subcommand> when interacting with a specific repo. This ensures that you are using an up to date version for new projects, and use the correct version of the envio executable for local project you may look at.

Command Overview:


Usage: envio [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  • init — Initialize an indexer with one of the initialization options
  • dev — Development commands for starting, stopping, and restarting the indexer with automatic codegen for any changed files
  • stop — Stop the local environment - delete the database and stop all processes (including Docker) for the current directory
  • codegen — Generate indexing code from user-defined configuration & schema files
  • benchmark-summary — Prints a summary of the benchmark data after running the indexer with envio start --bench flag or setting 'ENVIO_SAVE_BENCHMARK_DATA=true'
  • local — Prepare local environment for envio testing
  • start — Start the indexer without any automatic codegen
  • -d, --directory <DIRECTORY> — The directory of the project. Defaults to current dir ("./")

  • -o, --output-directory <OUTPUT_DIRECTORY> — The directory within the project that generated code should output to

    Default value: generated

  • --config <CONFIG> — The file in the project containing config

    Default value: config.yaml

envio init

Initialize an indexer with one of the initialization options

Usage: envio init [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  • contract-import — Initialize Evm indexer by importing config from a contract for a given chain
  • template — Initialize Evm indexer from an example template
  • fuel — Initialization option for creating Fuel indexer
  • -n, --name <NAME> — The name of your project

  • -l, --language <LANGUAGE> — The language used to write handlers

    Possible values: javascript, typescript, rescript

  • --api-token <API_TOKEN> — The hypersync API key to be initialized in your templates .env file

envio init contract-import

Initialize Evm indexer by importing config from a contract for a given chain

Usage: envio init contract-import [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  • explorer — Initialize by pulling the contract ABI from a block explorer
  • local — Initialize from a local json ABI file
  • -c, --contract-address <CONTRACT_ADDRESS> — Contract address to generate the config from
  • --single-contract — If selected, prompt will not ask for additional contracts/addresses/networks
  • --all-events — If selected, prompt will not ask to confirm selection of events on a contract

envio init contract-import explorer

Initialize by pulling the contract ABI from a block explorer

Usage: envio init contract-import explorer [OPTIONS]

  • -b, --blockchain <BLOCKCHAIN> — Network to import the contract from

    Possible values: amoy, arbitrum-nova, arbitrum-one, arbitrum-sepolia, arbitrum-testnet, aurora, aurora-testnet, avalanche, b2-testnet, base, base-sepolia, blast, blast-sepolia, boba, bsc, bsc-testnet, celo, celo-alfajores, celo-baklava, citrea-testnet, crab, ethereum-mainnet, evmos, fantom, fantom-testnet, fhenix-helium, flare, fuji, galadriel-devnet, gnosis, gnosis-chiado, goerli, harmony, holesky, kroma, linea, linea-sepolia, lisk, lukso, lukso-testnet, manta, mantle, mantle-testnet, metis, mode, mode-sepolia, moonbase-alpha, moonbeam, moonriver, morph, morph-testnet, neon-evm, opbnb, optimism, optimism-sepolia, poa-core, poa-sokol, polygon, polygon-zkevm, polygon-zkevm-testnet, rsk, saakuru, scroll, scroll-sepolia, sepolia, shimmer-evm, taiko, tangle, unichain-sepolia, zeta, zora, zora-sepolia

envio init contract-import local

Initialize from a local json ABI file

Usage: envio init contract-import local [OPTIONS]

  • -a, --abi-file <ABI_FILE> — The path to a json abi file
  • --contract-name <CONTRACT_NAME> — The name of the contract
  • -b, --blockchain <BLOCKCHAIN> — Name or ID of the contract network
  • -r, --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — The rpc url to use if the network id used is unsupported by our hypersync
  • -s, --start-block <START_BLOCK> — The start block to use on this network

envio init template

Initialize Evm indexer from an example template

Usage: envio init template [OPTIONS]

  • -t, --template <TEMPLATE> — Name of the template to be used in initialization

    Possible values: greeter, erc20

envio init fuel

Initialization option for creating Fuel indexer

Usage: envio init fuel [COMMAND]

  • contract-import — Initialize Fuel indexer by importing config from a contract for a given chain
  • template — Initialize Fuel indexer from an example template

envio init fuel contract-import

Initialize Fuel indexer by importing config from a contract for a given chain

Usage: envio init fuel contract-import [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  • local — Initialize from a local json ABI file
  • -c, --contract-address <CONTRACT_ADDRESS> — Contract address to generate the config from
  • --single-contract — If selected, prompt will not ask for additional contracts/addresses/networks
  • --all-events — If selected, prompt will not ask to confirm selection of events on a contract

envio init fuel contract-import local

Initialize from a local json ABI file

Usage: envio init fuel contract-import local [OPTIONS]

  • -a, --abi-file <ABI_FILE> — The path to a json abi file
  • --contract-name <CONTRACT_NAME> — The name of the contract

envio init fuel template

Initialize Fuel indexer from an example template

Usage: envio init fuel template [OPTIONS]

  • -t, --template <TEMPLATE> — Name of the template to be used in initialization

    Possible values: greeter

envio dev

Development commands for starting, stopping, and restarting the indexer with automatic codegen for any changed files

Usage: envio dev

envio stop

Stop the local environment - delete the database and stop all processes (including Docker) for the current directory

Usage: envio stop

envio codegen

Generate indexing code from user-defined configuration & schema files

Usage: envio codegen

envio benchmark-summary

Prints a summary of the benchmark data after running the indexer with envio start --bench flag or setting 'ENVIO_SAVE_BENCHMARK_DATA=true'

Usage: envio benchmark-summary

envio local

Prepare local environment for envio testing

Usage: envio local <COMMAND>

  • docker — Local Envio and ganache environment commands
  • db-migrate — Local Envio database commands

envio local docker

Local Envio and ganache environment commands

Usage: envio local docker <COMMAND>

  • up — Create docker images required for local environment
  • down — Delete existing docker images on local environment

envio local docker up

Create docker images required for local environment

Usage: envio local docker up

envio local docker down

Delete existing docker images on local environment

Usage: envio local docker down

envio local db-migrate

Local Envio database commands

Usage: envio local db-migrate <COMMAND>

  • up — Migrate latest schema to database
  • down — Drop database schema
  • setup — Setup database by dropping schema and then running migrations

envio local db-migrate up

Migrate latest schema to database

Usage: envio local db-migrate up

envio local db-migrate down

Drop database schema

Usage: envio local db-migrate down

envio local db-migrate setup

Setup database by dropping schema and then running migrations

Usage: envio local db-migrate setup

envio start

Start the indexer without any automatic codegen

Usage: envio start [OPTIONS]

  • -r, --restart — Clear your database and restart indexing from scratch
  • -b, --bench — Saves benchmark data to a file during indexing