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Version: v2

Command-Line Help for envio

This document contains the help content for the envio command-line program.

Command Overview:


Usage: envio [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  • init — Initialize an indexer with one of the initialization options
  • dev — Development commands for starting, stopping, and restarting the indexer with automatic codegen for any changed files
  • stop — Stop the local environment - delete the database and stop all processes (including Docker) for the current directory
  • codegen — Generate indexing code from user-defined configuration & schema files
  • benchmark-summary — Prints a summary of the benchmark data after running the indexer with envio start --bench flag or setting 'ENVIO_SAVE_BENCHMARK_DATA=true'
  • local — Prepare local environment for envio testing
  • start — Start the indexer without any automatic codegen
  • -d, --directory <DIRECTORY> — The directory of the project. Defaults to current dir ("./")

  • -o, --output-directory <OUTPUT_DIRECTORY> — The directory within the project that generated code should output to

    Default value: generated

  • --config <CONFIG> — The file in the project containing config

    Default value: config.yaml

envio init

Initialize an indexer with one of the initialization options

Usage: envio init [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  • contract-import — Initialize Evm indexer by importing config from a contract for a given chain
  • template — Initialize Evm indexer from an example template
  • fuel — Initialization option for creating Fuel indexer
  • -n, --name <NAME> — The name of your project

  • -l, --language <LANGUAGE> — The language used to write handlers

    Possible values: javascript, typescript, rescript

  • --api-token <API_TOKEN> — The hypersync API key to be initialized in your templates .env file

envio init contract-import

Initialize Evm indexer by importing config from a contract for a given chain

Usage: envio init contract-import [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  • explorer — Initialize by pulling the contract ABI from a block explorer
  • local — Initialize from a local json ABI file
  • -c, --contract-address <CONTRACT_ADDRESS> — Contract address to generate the config from
  • --single-contract — If selected, prompt will not ask for additional contracts/addresses/networks
  • --all-events — If selected, prompt will not ask to confirm selection of events on a contract

envio init contract-import explorer

Initialize by pulling the contract ABI from a block explorer

Usage: envio init contract-import explorer [OPTIONS]

  • -b, --blockchain <BLOCKCHAIN> — Network to import the contract from

    Possible values: amoy, arbitrum-nova, arbitrum-one, arbitrum-sepolia, arbitrum-testnet, aurora, aurora-testnet, avalanche, b2-testnet, base, base-sepolia, blast, blast-sepolia, boba, bsc, bsc-testnet, celo, celo-alfajores, celo-baklava, citrea-testnet, crab, ethereum-mainnet, evmos, fantom, fantom-testnet, fhenix-helium, flare, fuji, galadriel-devnet, gnosis, gnosis-chiado, goerli, harmony, holesky, kroma, linea, linea-sepolia, lisk, lukso, lukso-testnet, manta, mantle, mantle-testnet, metis, mode, mode-sepolia, moonbase-alpha, moonbeam, moonriver, morph, morph-testnet, neon-evm, opbnb, optimism, optimism-sepolia, poa-core, poa-sokol, polygon, polygon-zkevm, polygon-zkevm-testnet, rsk, saakuru, scroll, scroll-sepolia, sepolia, shimmer-evm, taiko, tangle, unichain-sepolia, zeta, zora, zora-sepolia

envio init contract-import local

Initialize from a local json ABI file

Usage: envio init contract-import local [OPTIONS]

  • -a, --abi-file <ABI_FILE> — The path to a json abi file
  • --contract-name <CONTRACT_NAME> — The name of the contract
  • -b, --blockchain <BLOCKCHAIN> — Name or ID of the contract network
  • -r, --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — The rpc url to use if the network id used is unsupported by our hypersync
  • -s, --start-block <START_BLOCK> — The start block to use on this network

envio init template

Initialize Evm indexer from an example template

Usage: envio init template [OPTIONS]

  • -t, --template <TEMPLATE> — Name of the template to be used in initialization

    Possible values: greeter, erc20

envio init fuel

Initialization option for creating Fuel indexer

Usage: envio init fuel [COMMAND]

  • contract-import — Initialize Fuel indexer by importing config from a contract for a given chain
  • template — Initialize Fuel indexer from an example template

envio init fuel contract-import

Initialize Fuel indexer by importing config from a contract for a given chain

Usage: envio init fuel contract-import [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  • local — Initialize from a local json ABI file
  • -c, --contract-address <CONTRACT_ADDRESS> — Contract address to generate the config from
  • --single-contract — If selected, prompt will not ask for additional contracts/addresses/networks
  • --all-events — If selected, prompt will not ask to confirm selection of events on a contract

envio init fuel contract-import local

Initialize from a local json ABI file

Usage: envio init fuel contract-import local [OPTIONS]

  • -a, --abi-file <ABI_FILE> — The path to a json abi file
  • --contract-name <CONTRACT_NAME> — The name of the contract

envio init fuel template

Initialize Fuel indexer from an example template

Usage: envio init fuel template [OPTIONS]

  • -t, --template <TEMPLATE> — Name of the template to be used in initialization

    Possible values: greeter

envio dev

Development commands for starting, stopping, and restarting the indexer with automatic codegen for any changed files

Usage: envio dev

envio stop

Stop the local environment - delete the database and stop all processes (including Docker) for the current directory

Usage: envio stop

envio codegen

Generate indexing code from user-defined configuration & schema files

Usage: envio codegen

envio benchmark-summary

Prints a summary of the benchmark data after running the indexer with envio start --bench flag or setting 'ENVIO_SAVE_BENCHMARK_DATA=true'

Usage: envio benchmark-summary

envio local

Prepare local environment for envio testing

Usage: envio local <COMMAND>

  • docker — Local Envio and ganache environment commands
  • db-migrate — Local Envio database commands

envio local docker

Local Envio and ganache environment commands

Usage: envio local docker <COMMAND>

  • up — Create docker images required for local environment
  • down — Delete existing docker images on local environment

envio local docker up

Create docker images required for local environment

Usage: envio local docker up

envio local docker down

Delete existing docker images on local environment

Usage: envio local docker down

envio local db-migrate

Local Envio database commands

Usage: envio local db-migrate <COMMAND>

  • up — Migrate latest schema to database
  • down — Drop database schema
  • setup — Setup database by dropping schema and then running migrations

envio local db-migrate up

Migrate latest schema to database

Usage: envio local db-migrate up

envio local db-migrate down

Drop database schema

Usage: envio local db-migrate down

envio local db-migrate setup

Setup database by dropping schema and then running migrations

Usage: envio local db-migrate setup

envio start

Start the indexer without any automatic codegen

Usage: envio start [OPTIONS]

  • -r, --restart — Clear your database and restart indexing from scratch
  • -b, --bench — Saves benchmark data to a file during indexing